Not much knitting going on here at the moment as my life is cr*p. Things aren't going to plan with the new job but I daren't mention anymore just yet. Lets just say I'm VERY stressed.
This is going to be a Christmas present for my MIL & until yesterday it was hiding in a corner as I'd made a mistake. However it was solved in 20 minutes whilst on a coach to the Harrogate Knitting & Stitching show yesterday & is now back in favour.

Clapotis in Noro Kureyon Sock Our home is a building site & DD alternates between being a wonderful, responsible & delightful young woman to being an absolute cow. I know that it's part of the territory with a teenager but I'm finding very draining.
Oscar has been ill with a horrendous bladder infection but he seems to be over it now. (If you look closely at his right foreleg you can see where his fur was clipped for the x-ray):

Oscar We celebrated his first birthday on November 1st but he still behaves just like a puppy just a bit bigger, stronger & still very friendly.
ETA: 25/11/8
Well I spoke too soon. Poor Oscar is now on his third round of anti-biotics & has an abdominal scan booked on Tuesday. DD has
Housemaid's Knee & I've hurt my neck/shouldar.