'A Lesson Learnt Bed socks'
Pattern: Little Shell Rib socks from Sensational Knitted Socks.
Yarn: Just over 100g of James C Brett Pure Merino in red (PM10)
Needles: 2x 60 cm 3.5mm circulars
Method: Toe up
Time taken to knit: December 2007 - October 13th 2009

The blocked shot as always
These socks were started over Christmas and then put on hold for MIL's Broad Sprials (and because I'd reached the Short Row Heel & I HATE SRH's) but not picked up again until now. Which is where the lesson learnt comes in...

follow the line from the Short Row Heel
See the problem?

Have another look....
Because I left this pair for so long my tension had changed and it's really obvious.

horrible toe
I also don't like the fit to the heel or toe. The heel is hard to stretch over my foot (I think I have high arches) & the toe seems huge but in future as mentioned previously I'm sticking to David's Toe-Up Sock Cookbook so that doesn't worry me.
But as bed socks they'll do and will be a reminder not to leave projects so long in future. However I have more old WIP's to clear before my conscience is clear.....