Annie using Blue as a pillow & watching with her one good eye
I was fed up with the dogs stinking so they visited the bath & the grooming table:

Annie & Blue
Blue protested as per usual but is now very happy with herself & spent her walk this morning prancing & trying to convince anyone she saw that she really needed a cuddle & a back rub but she was totally unsuccessful

DH & DD were also busy but in a very different way:

Kitchen ceiling showing marks from a leaking bathroom

Kitchen ceiling removed
DH is in the process of installing our new bathroom so that we will soon be able to have a shower

It's very weird without a ceiling as even though we keep cleaning up piles of rubble mysteriously appear as if by magic. Plus you can speak to someone in the bath above you as if you're in the same room & DD enjoyed listening to my phone conversation when she was in the bath this evening.
Amongst all this knitting is going on & I even have a FO but DH is a reluctant model so no pics yet but I'm working on him. So instead a new project is revealed:

Two toes at once
Hi Annie! Hi Blue!
It is nice to meet you! Thanks for coming by my blog to say hi:)! I hope you come back soon. Look forward to getting to know you two:)!
Your Friend,
Putter ...:)
Hi Annie and Blue,
Thanks for visiting my blog. You are very pretty girls. Sorry to hear about you health problems Annnie. So you had to have a bath too hey? I also had one yesterday, but I made sure I rubbed all over mum & dad's bed and the sofa to Airedry in revenge.
Oscar x
hmm you are very lucky i cant imagine my hubby allowing knitting when ceilings were coming down!
Hooray!! Puppy pictures!!! :-) They both look beautiful - it's that time of the year for Gracie, too. You do a great job!
Annie and Blue look very smart after their bath.
Annie and Blue had a bath? wish I could convince my two that they should do the same. NO ceiling. AGH!
Two toes at the same time? Been there, done that, good innit?
Oh golly. An uphill waste pipe?! That sounds scary!
Love the pics of the dogs. They look so content ;)
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