For what seems like ages I've wanted to get another cat, a boy cat to be precise and if possible a blue boy. Years ago when DH and I first got together he had a gorgeous long haired female called Furry Cat who was sadly killed on the road, I vowed then that one day we'd get another fur ball and this little scrap meets all of those requirements.
He is 7 weeks old and as yet un-named but suggestions are welcome :)
DD would like me to point out that she took this photo! :DDD

Well I wanted to call our long haired cat Maclary (As in "Hairy Maclary From Donaldson's Dairy") but I was over-ruled so we called him Paws.
If I ever got a long haired girl cat she would be Teazle.
Whatever...he's a cute kitten!
Gainsborough, because your Blue Boy is pretty as a picture!
What a beautiful cat! Look at those stripes on his tail. He's gorgeous. Looking forward to seeing what you're going to name him.
Awww, he's gorgeous - look at all those whiskers!
Wow he is huge! compared to molly. look forward to hearing what you name him.
Aw, he's beyond cute!
He is so cute - and that is from someone who doesn't like cats. I think Max is a nice boy pet name but like I said I'm not a cat person !
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