Before we moved I decided to have a play with some stash yarns & create something quickly. I bought some pretty
pink pencil roving when I went to
Skip North last year which I loved & was IMHO crying out to become
Fuzzy Feet. However it wasn't destined to be a quick project

I finished the first sock in the weeks before we moved house & put it somewhere safe:

Unfelted Fuzzy FootThe second one didn't take long & that was also packed away safely but once we'd moved I could only find one

But a month later they're finally reunited & made it to the washing machine together. 3 washes with some dog toys for agitation & I've got snazzy pink slippers:

Fuzzy Feet
Very pretty. The spawn would approve, but I think pretty much any four year old girl you showed them to would *grin*
Well done, funky slippers and clean dog toys in one handy load *grin*
Very nice - love the colour!
Lovely slippers! I liked the bit about using the dogs toys to help with the agitation process.
They are cute! I am sure DD aproves of the colour not! Lol
I've still got to make myself a pair too, seeing yours has pushed them further up my list of "must haves." Congratulations on your move by the way...I've been a little slack in my blog reading of late. I hope you'll all be very happy there, the pets seem to have taken to it like ducks to water.
You just have to check out my blog and see my news!!! :-)
Love the funky fuzzy feet :-)
Oooh fab, I've got some roving like that too so I can make Fuzzy Feet now!! (need some more slippers too, mine are falling apart, so thank you for the inspiration!)
Lovely pink tootsie covers and worth the wait for them to be reunited.
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