I resisting buying yarns or patterns for myself apart from 4 odd balls for small projects but did treat DD as she wanted to make herself a jumper. She's halfway up the back now as Big Wool has a habit of growing rapidly & she's very pleased with herself.
Whilst we were away DH took advantage of our absence to start the work on our bathroom. Unfortunately he didn't take any pictures before he did any changes but you can probably still get an idea of how foul it is/was. The house originally had a separate toilet & bathroom but at some point the two rooms were made into one which left a room with two windows. Not a problem apart from the fact that neither were in the right place! The one above the loo needed to come out as we want a cupboard above it & the other above the bath is too close to where the new shower will be so he moved it in between the two.

Newly positioned bathroom window

Newly positioned bathroom window from outside
Until last weekend we had a separate shower cubicle but this leaked within a few days of us moving in & DH has decided to build a cupboard in it's place as we're desperately short of storage.
I was really pleased that I'd given DD a second chance after her behavior in the hotel last year & stayed away last night as I didn't really fancy bath full of rubble. That's all out here:

Poor DH is absolutely worn out & has to go back to work tomorrow. Luckily our BIL helped him yesterday as it was an awkward job so at least the house is sealed up & secure now.
I think DD & I had more fun this weekend than DH don't you?
Sounds like a very productive weekend all round!
I definately think we had a better time than you hubby! DD project is finished will try and get it sent tomorrow or the next day!
Steph - definitely!
Ari - thanks very much. I've told DD & she's very excited.
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