SIL's house
SIL tried to drive to us this morning so we could have the kids whilst her & her husband tried to clear up but she couldn't get out of the area. An area about two square miles where they live is totally cut off by road & some people have been evacuated by boats.

SIL's street
Some friends of ours were moving house yesterday. Half of their stuff is in the old house which is within this area & half of it to the new house. His mother picked their 3 year old son up from nursery as they couldn't get to him but then she was flooded as well. So they had to borrow a big van today & drive through the roads that are closed against all advice to reach their son as Grandma has no power & it wasn't safe for him to be there. They took it very slowly & managed to get to him without stalling the engine.
Other areas nearby are also badly affected & I spoke a friend earlier who was evacuated by boat with her husband & two children by boat. The water in her house is now 4ft high

In this area probably hundreds if not thousands of people have been flooded & many evacuated from their homes

Sorry to hear about the family. Hopefully you're not flooded out as well given all the house problems. Its been taking me an extra 2 hours to get to/from work :(
Glad to hear that you guys are safe and well and relatively well off, but I'm sorry about your family and friends :( We are extremely lucky on this side with no flooding at all, although work usually gets a few leaks. Nothing major though.
Horrendous. Hope you and yours all stay well and look after each other through this traumatic time. Sending virtual hugs your way! :-)
I am so sorry to hear about all the people and the floods. Keep safe. x
How awful, makes it seem more real reading all this on your blog, rather than just seeing it on TV. Glad you are all safe though, and how kind of DH's work mate.
Take care
Looking further afield (aka the weekend) it is not looking good. We are expecting to have between 20 to 60mm of rain over the weekend (2/3 of what we had last weekend!) All of which will fall onto rain sodden land and concide with very high tides. This weekend is a very important time.
Hope your water recedes soon and the clean up op isn't too bad. I managed to leave Sheffield the night before the flood and most of the family are ok except for 1 sister's house + cellar flooded.
Hope your employers are being reasonable about the time off!
**** what a mess. Glad you are all safe and well that is the main thing . But your poor family - their homes. I hope the most important things in their lives could be saved and that things get back to normal as soon as possible
Oh good heavens! Hope you're all managing to keep warm and dry and watch out for the weekend weather. It's not too bad here, although I've had some problems getting to work (or not!)
So sorry to hear about all the flooding. It is just awful. Hoping things settle down very soon!
What an experience for your family and friends. I can well imagine the awfulness of it, and I just hope that the water clears up quickly and the insurers are co-operative. I've found it a very unnerving experience altogether and I know I didn't suffer the worst of it.
That's awful. It will take ages to clean up. I'm glad your family are physically safe, even though their homes are probably a mess. :(
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