Vince went to the vets this afternoon & is now no more. DD was absolutely beside herself last night but took it really well today. She was a lovely little hamster & never bit any of us so we're all a bit sad tonight.

Knitting content soon I promise....
What a crappy time for your DD. I'm sorry to hear about Vince, and I hope her foot heals superfast.
Love and Hugs to you and DD
Virtual hugs to you & yours. Hope things pick up for you soon. Must be something in the water I reckon as it's got us too..
Sorry to hear about Vince and poor DD as well. Best wishes for a speedy recovery for her. For activities to keep her occupied, I really enjoyed needlepoint and rug hooking at that age - fairly easy to do but requiring a fair amount of concentration too.
So sorry to hear about Vince ;) I know how awful it is and Vince was such a lovely character.
Hope DDs recovery goes really well and you manage to keep her occupied.
Oh, I'm sorry :( I hope things look up from here and that DD is well again soon.
So sorry to hear about Vince.
Oh I AM sorry to hear about Vince :( until we had our fist little hamster, Harriet, I had no idea you could get so fond of these lovely little animals. They have their own little personalities, just like the rest of us!
Both Deuce & I are really sorry to hear about Vince - has your DD heard about the Rainbow Bridge? It's a little corny, but such a comforting concept, you can't but hope it's true.
Sometimes enforced breaks are good for athletes - before a marathon you're supposed to really wind down. I bet when your DD is back on track, she'll have so much stored drive and energy that first she'll recuperate well and thoroughly since she'll be nice and focussed - then she'll blow everyone out of the water!!! If she's in a cast etc, she can still practice throwing - sort of hone her technique and aim? Best wishes from us for her speedy recovery.
Poor little Vince! I hope he's enjoying himself by the Rainbow Bridge. Best wishes to your DD for a speedy recovery.
A & Deuce
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