I have a big stash.
There I've said it upfront & am being totally honest with myself & you all.
The last four months on a Ravelry have also taught me just what that 'collection' contains. Some is much loved & others less & the latter has been weeded out & rehomed or is available for 'adoption' on my a Ravelry profile. DH is now fully aware of how big my stash really is & has imposed a yarn purchasing ban which I have to admit is fair enough as we don't live in a massive house. However I put my foot down at a swap ban as I explained to him that over time my 'taste' has changed & this the only way that I could try out a new yarn, fibre or weight without buying the yarn plus of course yarn has to vacate my stash go in exchange to make room. My stash inventory on a Ravelry is up to date apart from a few skeins received recently in swaps which are waiting for some daylight to coincide with DH's presence in the house & the camera being out.
So my Christmas list this year for a change includes NO yarn. That's right, zero skeins of the fibrey kind but instead the means to transpose it into something lovely; patterns that can utilise the yarn that I already have in my stash & that are challenging and interesting.
Also I've signed up to a knitters version of a New Years Resolution Socks from stash club as the following really struck a cord:
Have you ever been tempted to join a yarn shop sock club, even though you already have a stash of beautiful yarns you don't have time to knit?
I have been tempted to join sock clubs quite a few times but as I do have a beautiful collection of sock yarn I have been good & resisted. So I'll be dipping into it each month & creating something worthy. A few teasers include:

Socks That Rock in Undertoe

Koigu KPPM

Koigu KPM

Regia Silk

Regia Silk

Lorna's Laces in Berry

Best of Opal DK

Knit Picks Essential Tweed
Most of the yarns above were presents so I'll be searching for the perfect pattern to do the yarn justice. Is it a bit obvious that I like purple & red?
Good for you! **grin** You have a beautiful stash of sock yarn, and it deserves to be knitted!
It's coming up to a month since my last yarn purchase. :)
Beautiful sock yarns! There would be no point in my putting yarn on my Christmas list as no one who buys for me would know where to get it !
I love looking at your stash, in fact anyone's stash that is bigger than mine always makes me smile ;)
Though I'm trimming down and only have a few balls for christmas this year. And unlikely I'll be getting any in the sales either. Finally learnt that a couple of balls in the sale is more likely to get used than packs of 10 that you have no idea what to do with!
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