I now have just one week left in my current employment & then two weeks off before I start my new role. I have been unhappy for at least the past two years but as my job was so flexible around DD & very close to home it was hard to find another with the same 'flexibility'. I've done that now & after 4 hours of interviews in one day (phew!) left with a job offer & a big smile on my face.
I've told the 'big boss' exactly why I was leaving & the person concerned has had a 'talking to'. It's sad that he's continuing to make other people unhappy but at least the MD is aware of what's going on now.
DD has also been giving us grief but that's part of the territory with a teenager (or pre-teen as she doesn't turn 13 until October). We've been attending parent courses to learn how to deal with her behaviour but that has had the unpleasant side effect of dragging up all the 'crap' I endured as a child in the hands of my mother. DH has likened it to a deep festering wound long buried so I'm trying to bury it again maybe slightly healed if that can happen.
So this brings me onto the lesson learned:
Don't, whatever you do, start a sock (or pair of socks) when you're feeling down & depressed. My judgment must have been clouded as I had already swatched in ss & cast on the number of stitches accordingly but of course the socks weren't to be knit in ss!

Uptown Boot socks in KPPM: to be frogged :(
Pattern: Uptown Boot Socks
Yarn: Koigu KPPPM 044949
Needles: 2x 60cm 2.25mm Knitpicks circulars
Verdict: I adore the pattern & enjoyed learning how to cable without a cable needle. Equally the yarn is gorgeous but the two together don't work with my feet.

Uptown Boot pattern close up
The cabling pulled the fabric in too tight & if I increase the stitches to the required amount it doesn't work with the pattern. Ho hum....
So I think found another pattern for this yarn & will be casting on very soon. However I'll going to do a round of purl on the knitting I've already done & swatch the new pattern before I frog & cast on again.
Teenage girls can be a nightmare for their parents. The one good thing is that they come out the other side and they are wonderful people! I have 2 daughters, now in their 30s, to prove this.
Sorry about the socks, and congrats on the new job!
The parenting classes sound hard. All the best for them. Shame about the to be frogged sock.
whoooohoooooooooo well done on the new job! Enjoy your two weeks off. dust off that sewing machine and have a little play.
Good luck with the new job!
I frogged a pair of socks yesterday that I started earlier this week :( Just wasn't happening - I KNEW I just wanted a simple SS pair that I didn't have to think about. Oh well, I've started them in SS now and am much happier ;)
Congrats on getting a new job. I hope you enjoy it.
Teenagers can be hard. Our pre-teen is also a nightmare. the other 2 have been so easy compared to him. we're also getting help, but his prblems stem from my illness.
The only re-assurance is that they do grow up eentually.
Its hard when you're carrying your own baggage around. have you thought of getting some councelling to try and help if you havnt already tried that path?
I do sympathise with the frogging. I also cock things up spectacularly esp when I'm down or tired.
I have difficulty with socks, even when I don't have any distractions. And I've just had to undo about two inches of the right front of a cardigan, because I forgot to make a buttonhole.
I've just started a knitting blog, and it's really nice to find other knitters blogging, too. It's especially nice to find another UK-based knitting blog :).
Teenagers! Mine (16 and 17) had me up at 2am this morning because (allegedly) there was a giant moth in their room! This of course pales into insignificance against the being expelled from school, getting arrested, running away from home... been there got too many t-shirts!
People keep telling me that it gets better and I do believe it - keep your chin up and best of luck with new job. I have given up working full-tme now and feel soooo much better! :)
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