I went to The Knitting & Stitching show on Friday with Andrea (much more on this later) & after a workshop we made our way to the Relax & Knit stand. Sat on the table was this inviting bag:

Secret Pal gift bag
Fred was trying to get me to open it straight away but it didn't seem right until I knew who my Secret Pal was. It was really weird standing there, not knowing who they were and any of the numerous people sat at the stand could be my SP! It wasn't until a discussion started re Sirdar Firefly that I got the first clue. A woman wearing a broch knitted in Sirdar Firefly appeared just as I was saying that I hated knitting with it. She mentioned using her laptop in her B&B the previous night & I had struck gold - I had found my Secret Pal!!! She had previously given me some clues in her emails one of which was that she was able to use her laptop at her B&B.
It was really weird to finally meet her. Only then did I dive into the bag again with some prompting from Fred. Inside I found:

which has some fantastic patterns in. Everytime I go through it I find more!

Maroon Regia Silk
which like the Regia Silk my Secret Pal had prevously sent me is absolutely gorgeous.
Then a beautiful moebius scarf:

moebious scarf
which my Pal had knitted herself in Sirdar Zanzibar. DD & I had great fun working out all the ways to wear it.
Next I found this:

I've wanted this pattern for AGES & have just the yarn for it.
Then this (was this bag bottomless???)

Kool Aid
which then influenced my purchasing later (but I'm not going into that now)
and finally:

All I can say is 'Thank You' Yvonne - I've really enjoyed being your pal. The past few months have been hard for me & your emails & generosity have brought a smile to my face on more than one occasion.
I'll be revealing myself to the person I've been sending to on December 4th - Yvonne revealed herself early as we were both at the same show & it seemed too good an opportunity to miss!
It was so much fun watching you open the package too!
I did wonder if my pal had gone as the bag was sitting alone on the table! It was great to meet you on Friday & I hope to see you again soon. Are you going to Skip North?
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