Wednesday, August 23, 2006

My 'Not So Secret' Pal Does it again!

I'm going to be really cruel now & briefly tell you about the fantastic present that I received this evening from Piglottie aka My 'Not So Secret Pal'.

It's beautifully soft, no that's not enough, exquisitely soft & I want to sit here & stroke it all night - ohh urgh that sounds dodgy doesn't it

But I'm not going to tell you what it is yet as DH couldn't take photos tonight so you'll have to wait. We're going away again tomorrow for a few days with some friends so have fun whilst I'm away & all will be revealed when we get back .......


Alison said...

You little tease! Enjoy your break!

Daisy said...


susoolu said...

Looks like you had a wonderful holiday - fantastic finished items, and beautiful photos too. See you soon!

Auntie Noo said...

Not Fair, Not Fair!!! What a tease!

Have enjoyed the holiday photos and stories - but i think leaving us for 3 days is just plain cruel!

Becky said...

Aghh what a tease - I just don't think I can hold on any longer - you must reveal all immediately ! Hope you had a nice break with your friends.

blog-blethers said...

lol you are a wee minx!! Will be bursting to see the pictures when you get back!! Hope you both have a lovely break