DH & I were both due to finish work on Wednesday which was also DD's last day of school however they were both violently ill with a sickness bug so I took the day off to care for them. They were both feverish & throwing up constantly

On the second day they weren't so bad & DD was up to sitting on the sofa under a blanket so I rang our Water provider & they recommended a company to look at our drains. Once booked for the following day (Friday) I tried to forget about the problem but it wasn't easy as we had a huge pool of mucky water in the garden & the kitchen sink often had the same in it

Friday came & went & still the drains weren't sorted. The drain company turned up & poked around a bit but then declared that they couldn't fix it as their big pump had just died

Early on Saturday we received another call from the Water provider who had actually decided that our problem wasn't what the company had said the day before & the we did have to pay. We weren't too bothered about the money but we were concerned about the fact that we couldn't use the washing machine, dishwasher or kitchen sink. We were also avoiding the shower, bath & avoiding flushing the toilet too as we were worried that the toilet would overflow in the house

Our confidence in that drain company was gone so we ended up ringing a local company who were on site within 30 minutes of DH making the phone call & the problem was fixed within 10 minutes - a cheque was very happily handed over plus a bit extra in cash as a tip. So now we could wash the clothes, pots & flush the loo

It seemed to go ok after that. DD was a good girl & stayed in bed until 7.30 on Christmas Day morning before she bounced in with her stocking. She loved her presents as did her mum

However our nice Christmas really wasn't to be - poor DH fell ill again in the evening & after I witnessed him rolling around on the floor clutching his belly in absolute agony I rang the emergency doctor. MIL was called back to the house to look after DD - she'd only been gone half an hour as she had lunch with us & I took him to the surgery. Luckily I'd only had one glass of wine with my meal hours before so was ok to drive.
The diagnois - gastro problems caused by excess acid - DH admitted that he sometimes forgets to eat at work as he gets caught up in a problem & tends to have erratic meal times as he often works late. So temporarily armed with some chalky tablets until I can get his perscription medicine tomorrow (or later today as I've just noticed the time) he's now happily in bed.
I'm hoping that the rest of our time off work is more peaceful as we both really needed a break.
27/12/6 ETA: I've got a parking ticket now

OH NO! I hope the rest of the Christmas break goes a LOT better for all of you! Looking forward to seeing yarn pics too...
Glad that DH isn't too ill - though how miserable for you all.
Fingers crossed that the New Year is more fun.
I hope you all get better soon, and that the New Year brings kinder days.
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