She's a lovely little thing who had a few issues but is getting over them. Estimated to be around 6 months old she adores people especially children but really didn't like other dogs. I got her over that with lots of non-confrontational (no face to face contact) walks with my own dogs & now adores them & is friendly to new dogs that she meets. DD is enjoying her as she's bouncy & loves to retrieve a ball but DD has already been warned we're NOT getting a 3rd dog!
However as I returned from the supermarket this afternoon I popped in to the local pet shop to pick up some dog food. A few doors away I noticed a heavily pregnant bitch eating scraps out of some takeaway wrappers on the pavement. She was really skinny (despite the huge belly) and very nervous. Armed with a handful of titbits & a lead from the petstore I managed to catch her. She bit my hand as she was terrified but didn't break the skin - more of a warning than anything.
A one way trip to the local police station nearly broke my heart as they didn't have any bedding for her (I went back with some old towels & food) but she's now safely tucked up in rescue kennels. She'll have her pups there & then hopefully will be spayed & rehomed. My gut instinct is that she was thrown out when discovered to be expecting her pups - I really hate people sometimes.
8/1/7 ETA: I'm delighted to report that the little bitch I found on Saturday has been claimed

At least the pups will be rehoused quickly - just hope mum does too!
My dogs are such a big part of my family - I can't bear to think of people doing this to their pets - like dumping your child on the verge of the motorway. doesn't bear thinking about. Well done you for rescuing her!
Molly looks bushy tailed and bright eyed! She reminds me of a friend's dog - Sophie - who she rescued from Turkey (you can imagine how expensive that was!)
Molly is gorgeous!! I can't believe about the pregnant bitch, people just amaze me sometimes. Poor little mite.
Thanks guys. Molly is fab & having a great time here with the BIG dogs.
I felt really guilty taking that bitch to the police station yesterday but there was no way I could keep her. We haven't got enough room for another dog, let alone one about to whelp, DH would have a FIT & my dogs wouldn't accept an adult bitch. Molly is allowed as she's a submissive puppy but she's crated & supervised when running around with the other dogs.
Molly could have so easily ended up on the streets & pregnant if she hadn't been found when she was. At least the 'mum to be' is safe, warm, well fed & will have her pups in peace rather than running scared & starving on the streets.
I don't get why people just dump animals especially as the RSPCA and rescue centres wouldn't turn them away.
Fab of you to make sure they're now safe and sound ;)
Aw, Molly is soooooo cute!!!
I'm so glad you found and helped the other dog. I hope everything turns out okay for her and her puppies.
I am so glad that there are people in this world like you. Molly looks lovely.
I am pleased to hear that the bitch has found her home safely. Molly looks lovely.
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