I also finally found all the comments that went AWOL a year ago - a grand total of 47 & only 1 was sp4m

We spent the weekend sifting through our stuff in preparation for the big move & we've now got 13 bin liners of shredded paper piled up to the ceiling in the hall! It's hopefully going to a dog who is kennelled outside but is allergic to hay & straw but if it's not collected by tomorrow we're going to try & squeeze it into the paper recycling bin - I think DH is being a bit optimistic there myself!
Boxes are being numbered, catalogued on a spreadsheet & given a coloured label to indicate which room they should be put in on moving day - but I'm sure we'll still lose stuff. However I'm taking no chances with my stash - it's staying in MIL's spare room to be collected by me once we've moved. That way it'll stay clean & I know exactly where it is

For Kim & all other dog lovers - here's an Airedale fix:

Annie wrapped in a towel after her bath
I groomed the dogs last weekend so shaggy monsters are no more. Annie absolutely loves to be rubbed in a towel & looked so cute & her nose so big that I couldn't resist that shot!
I love Airedale noses!!! That's an adorable picture. :-)
Now if we could just get Gypsy to hold still long enough to towel her off...
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