Crochet shopping bag

Double crochet base
I filled it up with tins from our food cupboards to demonstrate how much this bag 'grows' when full:

Crochet shopping bag full of tins
I'm planning to make a lot more of these to use up some cottons lurking in my stash. However in future will make the base both wider & longer so that the bag can take a large cereal box or similar.
Pattern: From Marie of 'In Stitches' the knitting club that I set up & run. She is a lapsed blogger so has requested that I don't link to her. The pattern consists of a double crocheted base, trebles to give the 'lattice efffect' & then doubles again for the handles.
Yarn: 120g of Colorado Mutti-color from Lidl bought earlier this year.
Hook: 5mmm

Colorado Mutti-color
I'm getting quite bad at making small things & forgetting to put them on here but will do another post soon. The photos are done I just haven't had time to blog about it. Have also made a something else recently but it's a gift so & the person I'm gifting it to reads this so nothing about that yet.
Life has been busy as ever in the blueadt house but perhaps a bit 'quieter' this week as DD is away & doesn't return until tonight. So DH using the second week of his holiday has decorated her bedroom & built a wardrobe to hide an 'awkward' part of her room. So the rest of the day will be taken with removing the dust sheets & cleaning the carpet thereby removing the last visible signs of the mucky people who lived here before us & replacing DD's furniture.
Finally MissMalice has awarded me with this:

Rockin' Girl Blogger
Thank you so much Alice. Now to chose my 5 nominees..........
Do Lidl still sell yarn? What's the fibre content like? And is the bag and fibre strong enough to do stuff like cat litter? Could do with something like that for our shopping trips instead of using just those jute bags. How do the handles feel when the bag is heavy? Will I stop asking questions soon? ;)
And congratulations on the rocking girl blogger. But you do rock, so there :)
Someone made me a bag like that and it's fab! I can get so much in it. I got funny looks with it in Tescos but not in Waitrose...
Oh, I've been thinking about crocheting a string bag for a while now. Seeing yours (lovely) has spurred me on. I'll bump it to the top of my project list. Thanks for the packing tips, btw.
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