I nominate the following bloggers in no particular order:
Hello Mango for her wonderful designs & gorgeous handspun hand-dyed yarns
Susoolu for having the patience of a saint (she taught me the Turkish Cast On) & for having such a brilliant sense of humour
Xtreme-Knitting: The first knitting blog that I read regularly & inspired me to take the plunge & start my own blog in April '05.
Library Girl Knits! who is always there to offer advice, good tips & generally for being so lovely
and finally
Wooly Wormhead for her wonderful designs and for being so brave & finding her own way against convention.
So please save the button below to your own server space & wear it with pride

Rockin' Girl Blogger
I'm really sorry that it's taken me so long to reply to all the comments recently. I hate the 'no-reply' feature on blogger & wish that I could hit reply to comments as they come in. However what is worse whilst mobile blogging that I could see the comments in my inbox via my mobile phone but couldn't publish them

So I tried to answer as many as I could in subsequent posts.
Library Girl Knits! wanted to know about the cotton from Lidl that I used to make a shopping bag. It's a DK weight & was a special that was in stock for a week or so earlier in the year. The bag can hold a fair bit but I'm not sure about cat litter especially if you're like me & buy huge sacks of the stuff. I find the handles soft but you can always get the solid plastic handle grip things meant for carrier bags if you don't like them. She also asked about some Angel Yarns Sock Yarn that I have in my stash on Ravelry. It's the same composition as Opal and they've got some really nice colours. I've been looking at the Chocolate Plum for ages but have a lot of sock yarn so am being good & sitting on my hands.
Library Girl Knits!, The Silver Spider & Sereknitity all wanted to know what yarn I'm using for DH's socks shown in the last post:

Lana Grossa Meilenweit Mega Boots Stretch shade 709
which I bought whilst on holiday last year.
I tried my best to get the socks to match but the yarn wasn't having any of it at all. So DH will have matching purple toes & then the colours run riot. He loves the colours & is calling them his 'Sun Set Socks'. However as each sock has 108 stitches & I'm using 2mm needles they're taking a VERY long time indeed especially as other projects keep joining the queue in demand of my time.
And for Serknittiy a free pattern from Knit Picks. I couldn't find a decent tutorial in the time that I had to look but did find these films on YouTube!
Yay! Thanks for that.
Thank you :) I'm very touched in light of current things, although it's not difficult right now for me to be close to tears!
Wow, thankyou! That is very nice of you.
I love the colour of the Lana Grossa sock yarn. I just finished my first pair of socks with Lana Grossa yarn and was really pleased with how it knit up.
The choco plum angel sock yarn is such a gorgeous colour. I have some and love it. I know this isn't helping keeping the stash down but hey.
Remember - Sock yarn doesn't count as stash! :)
Welcome back!
Congrats on your well deserved award! Love the yarn used for your socks - really rish, autumnal shades!
And truly amazed at your fossil finds - they are amazing! Next follows dumb question of the day .... do you have to split the stones in the hope of finding a fossil or is there some clue from the exterior???
Thank you so much for the pattern link - I printed the original version off a while ago, and have been struggling with the heels for the last couple of days - now I know why, the copy I have has an error and all is now clear. I really am grateful.
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