Debbie Bliss Noro Collection #1
I remembered that a little shop in Buxton that I've visited a few times whilst on holiday sold Noro. They didn't have it in stock but would check with their other two shops & then I got a call back to say they had a copy & did I want it? So to David at Sew-In of Didsbury I'd like to say Thank You. I also showed my appreciation by adding another couple of books to the order:

Debbie Bliss Cashmerino DK

Debbie Bliss Cashmerino Collection
Delivery was prompt & postage very reasonable so I'll definitely be calling again.
Obviously I've got loads of patterns queued in all 3 books & currently my Ravelry queue stands at over 400 patterns of which an increasing number are garments for myself to be made when I get to my target weight. On the same day that the above books arrived in the post I finally made use of a Christmas gift from my Step-Mum & treated myself to this:

Debbie Bliss Special Family Knits
So now I need to rehome some cook books to make more space for my knitting library!
Now for what a lot of you have been waiting for:

Oscar would like to thank everyone who recognises just how fantastic he is & welcomes you into his fan club. Annie is starting to enjoy him more & more & today we found them like this:

Oscar & Annie snoozing on her bed
He also had a special job today:

Happy Easter!
but Ginny says

I'm the cutest & don't you forget it!