I've been ill.
Very ill.
Not sick enough to be admitted to hospital but enough that I've lost a week of my life.
S&D really hurts when your tummy has been empty for 4 days.
I've lost 9lbs in weight in 7 days.
So now I am really trying to eat to get strong but have no appetite.
The dogs are in kennels for another week and I'm missing them.
DH isn't doing too well either but then again he gets 'Man flu'.
He sucks at being a nurse.
Life Lately – April 2024
10 months ago
Oh no how awful for you. I hope you feel better soon, best wishes for a speedy recovery.
I do hope you are feeling better really soon.
Although probably not best to eat anything too rich, my rule when I get like that is to eat whatever I really fancy, no matter how ludicrous, just to make sure I am eating something.
How about a nice smoothie with loads of fresh fruit and probiotic yoghurt that should help the tummy get the "friendly bacteria" back and fruit will be good for you.
Lecture over, I guess missing the dogs would make you feel a bit down.
Take Care
Poor poorly you :( Take care and feel better soon.
Oh no, I hope you are starting to feel better. And I am feeling for you with the dh...mine is a rubbish nurse and tells me how he feels ten times worse even if I am throwing up and he hasn't so much as a tummy ache.
Have you tried rice krispies? After two pregnancies with lots of morning sickness, the only thing I could keep down was rice krispies. Thats the food anyone gets fed in our house if they have a poorly belly.
Get well soon vibes coming across the Humber to you!!
I hope you get better soon, how awful.
How awful. i hope you soon recover. I had Salmonella 12 years ago. Its horendous so I empathise. just eta what your body tells you it wants. Mine was salt and vinegar chipsticks!!
I hope you get better soon, my OH is a rubbish nurse too, my dog's doing a better job!
I usually find I can only keep ice cream down, but this time I can't even keep a glass of water down :o
I totally love all the piccies on your blog, you've made me really want to get Airedales now! They're gorgeous!
Oh dear, get well soon, take care.
OH no, hope you feel much better soon. I must admit I resorted to Complan in January when I was stuck with no appetite but no energy (and no food in the house!).
Sorry to hear you are sick but hope the corner has been turned and you are on the up & up.
The pics of your dogs make me really want to have another Airedale puppy. Oscar is just beautiful!
Hope you are feeling better by now. Poor you.
Oh dear, sorry to hear you've been so poorly. Hope you're starting to recover now ;)
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