We're doing everything we can to reduce the amount that we as a family contribute to landfill . We recycle, reuse, freecycle & reduce our waste.
So why then did the bin wagon eat our wheelie bin this morning & make a bigger contribution to landfill?????
I've been advised to use black bin bags until our new bin arrives in a weeks time. I don't think it'll work somehow due to the cats.
Hmmmm have to see if the neighbours will let us put our small amounts of rubbish into their bins but they're all normally overflowing......
Life Lately – April 2024
10 months ago
I think that is known as sod's law! My most ironic moment was buying a nice sturdy bag in Waterstones to carry home the books only to have the shop assistant pack the new bag, along with the books, into a plastic carrier bag... is it me?? :)
It's not funny is it?! We don't have wheelie bins here though, plastic bags only for us. I've only had it taken once and that was a fox, but it's a pain in the rear when it happens!
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