Pam in July 2007 aged 16 1/2 years
She was a funny little cat and had a very definite character. She was one of three kittens that DH adopted 18 months before we met and the last of the gang. In our old house she lived in the garage and refused to come into the house. When we moved she changed totally and really enjoyed her time here:

Pam in the garden
She also took her role of 'big cat' seriously and taught the new kittens how to enjoy cat nip:

Enjoying a catnip whale
We lost her a few months ago and by the time we got her back 6 days later the experience had taken it's toll on her. She did pull back a bit but the experience had a negative effect and she aged quickly over the past 3 months.
I think she had a stroke whilst DH was in hospital as her back legs were a bit wobbly and she was eating with one side of her mouth. After she'd fallen down the stairs a few times we decided that the time was right to 'say goodbye'.

Pam much loved
It's always hard to say goodbye, she was a beautiful and obviously well-loved cat.
Im so sorry to hear of your loss, such beautiful photos of Pam. Hugs to you all. (Hugs)
Beautiful cat!
I think you'll be very relieved to see the end of this year and the start of a new year. Hope things improve soon for all of you.
I'm so sorry {{hugs}}.
So sorry to read your news Blue, losing a beloved pet is never easy, it must be even harder for you with all the stress surrounding Hubby. I hope you are all able to enjoy at least a little bit of the Christmas festivities *hugs*
I am sorry about Pam, she had a fabulous life with you and was a great age. Sending hugs and healing thoughts
I'm so sorry to hear about your lovely Pam and to read about your poor hubby too. I hope he is feeling better.
I wish you a happy Christmas and hope 2009 is a good year for you all.
Heartbreaking saying goodbye but she loved you very much x
I'm so sorry petal, but she was a VERY good age for a cat, and clearly had a good life to the end. Big hugs.
PS 2008 has been rubbish for a lot of people, so I say we gang up on 2009 and make sure it knows its place...
I am sorry to hear about Pam, she is gorgeous in the last photo, take care and I hope 2009 is much better for you. Lin xxx
So sorry to hear about Pam, she is such a beautiful cat and obviously had a wonderful life with you.
Take care & have a peaceful Christmas.
So, so sorry to hear about Pam, Blue. It's so hard when it's time to let any furry family member go...
Hope DH is feeling more robust again and am sure that he's improved with TLC at home. Fingers crossed that they get to the bottom of it very soon and can suggest something that helps ease and prevent any more discomfort.
I'm relieved that this year is coming to an end too. Let's hope that 2009 brings better for us all...
I'm sorry about your poor little cat. Thank goodness you guys did get her back and she was able to spend the rest of her days with her loving family.
I am sure she is at the bridge right now, driving my boy Tigor nuts. She is beautiful!
2009 will be better for us all.
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