he has been sick this week, VERY sick. He has had a problem for the past two years after eating rich food or bread. I've been dieting for 15 months & this has really helped him.
He started throwing up on Monday after we had eaten with friends on Sunday afternoon. Then he seemed to recover & ate out again on Tuesday night only to start throwing up again on Wednesday.(I want to point out at this stage that it wasn't the cooking or food to blame as both friends are brilliant cooks). For the past two years DH has struggled with vomiting episodes after eating bread or rich food but this time it was really bad & far worse than anything he's ever had before.
I took him to the Doctors where he promptly collapsed onto the floor still vomiting into a bowl. The ambulance staff put him on oxygen before moving him swiftly to the local hospital.
We spent about 6 hours in A&E as the doctors tried to find out what was wrong. At one point they thought he'd perforated his stomach (I got REALLY scared at this) but the x-rays were fine. In fact everything was fine which was annoying as they couldn't tell us why he was sick. He was admitted on to the ward still in agony & spent 3 nights not sleeping as he listened to other throwing up etc etc etc ......
Eventually after an endoscopy revealed that his stomach was healthy the doctors concluded on Friday that he was suffering from Gallstones but we didn't find out until he was discharged last night.
He's now home & I'm so pleased to have him back. However the pain is still around but not to the same extent as previously. So I'm serving up VERY low fat meals & am prescribing lots of rest with short walks to get him moving again whilst we wait for an appointment with a specialist consultant.
This has come at the end of a very bad year. I'm afraid that I haven't written any Christmas cards & to be honest I'm not going to bother this year. I've just got too much on. More is to come tomorrow & then we've still got 9 days left in the year so I'm sure we'll have some other 'joy' to contend with soon ......
Life Lately – April 2024
10 months ago
Lots of sympathy! I had a problem with gallstone a couple of years ago. If you need to chat, email or ring me. Andrea from In Stitches
Sending good wishes and strenthening vibes to you both XXXX
So sorry to hear that your DH has been having digestive problems. I had gallstones with the accompanying severe pains a few years ago. It was finally diagnosed after I had a cream cake passed round to staff by my boss on his birthday. I thought I would pass out with the pain. However, I had the op to remove the gall bladder and the relief is unbelievable. Still have to watch what I eat though. Pastry is still the worst thing, 50% fat takes a long time to digest. Best wishes, MelindaJ
sorry to hear DH has been poorly. Please send him my best wishes. My mum was recently diagnosed with gallstones (a couple of months ago) when a routine blood test came back with abnormal liver function. She is having an endoscopy soon, but scan showed 2 stones. After adhering to a low-fat diet (she had just started Weightwatchers anyway) she has had less pain. I do hope xmas goes well for you.
I am so sorry to hear that your DH has been suffering with such dreadful pain. My DH had exactly the same thing last year - it was awful to watch him suffering so. He was admitted to hospital in absolute agony at one point and he was luminous yellow too - lovely - still he quickly went into a different hospital after sticking to a no fat diet for two weeks first and they whipped out the offending article and now he is just fine. He can drink what he likes and eat what he likes - although he still chooses to steer clear of fatty food, bad memories more than anything I think.
So if you can go for the op asap - it's great and eases the pain almost immediately my DH said the pain of recovery was nothing like the pain that he had been living with for years.
Good luck - I hope you have an incident free Christmas and that your new year is just the fresh start that you need.
Becky x
Sorry to hear about DHs trouble. Awful isn't it! I had a lot of sickness when eating bread and couldn't digest it but that was due a yeast intolerance.
I hope things settle down for you and that next year is a better one for all of us!
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