We're sorted with the house. After a horrible week of much anguish & stress we finally exchanged contracts this morning & are completing & moving on Thursday. Our buyer has been 'difficult' to say the least & I just hope that I never meet him as I don't trust myself to be civil. However we've got the ultimate revenge as our neighbours erected their trampoline again on Friday so he can deal with the constant sound of springs & other noise from 7.30 a.m to gone 10 p.m. at the weekend & every weekday evening as well. They even bounce in the dark!
98% of the house is boxed up, numbered & colour coded (thanks to Knitterbelle for the tip) so hopefully the move itself will go without hitch. The dogs are now safely in kennels for a few days & Vince goes to rodent kennels tomorrow. DD is at school on the day & she's being brought to the house by a friend after school so at least we've got time to move everything without extra help.
After the fiasco that was Mothers Day DD has calmed down a lot. A few days later part of the cause was revealed & to be honest I think that everything just got too much for her. She's very excited about moving house & can't wait to 'help' unpack things over the Easter holidays.
Not sure when I'll be back but things are definitely looking up!
Life Lately – April 2024
10 months ago