We're sorted with the house. After a horrible week of much anguish & stress we finally exchanged contracts this morning & are completing & moving on Thursday. Our buyer has been 'difficult' to say the least & I just hope that I never meet him as I don't trust myself to be civil. However we've got the ultimate revenge as our neighbours erected their trampoline again on Friday so he can deal with the constant sound of springs & other noise from 7.30 a.m to gone 10 p.m. at the weekend & every weekday evening as well. They even bounce in the dark!
98% of the house is boxed up, numbered & colour coded (thanks to Knitterbelle for the tip) so hopefully the move itself will go without hitch. The dogs are now safely in kennels for a few days & Vince goes to rodent kennels tomorrow. DD is at school on the day & she's being brought to the house by a friend after school so at least we've got time to move everything without extra help.
After the fiasco that was Mothers Day DD has calmed down a lot. A few days later part of the cause was revealed & to be honest I think that everything just got too much for her. She's very excited about moving house & can't wait to 'help' unpack things over the Easter holidays.
Not sure when I'll be back but things are definitely looking up!
Life Lately – April 2024
10 months ago
Oh, that's great news. Best ofluck with the move, and looking forward to hearing from you in your new home. :-)
Here's hoping your move goes smoothly, and your new home soon feels like home!
Good luck with the move and wishing you lots of peace and happiness in your new home.
Best of luck with your move, glad things are just about sorted at last!
Hope all went well with your move, and that you settle in quickly to your new home.
Good luck - looking forward to seeing photos when you get there. We have put in an offer on a new place too. We exchange hopefully next week then settlement will happen in a couple of months. I'm sooo looking forward to living in our own place again after nearly 4 years of renting.
Best of luck on the move! I hope it all goes well and can't wait to hear all about it at the next In Stitches!
Hope your new house feels like home already!!
Hope you're move went well and you're settling in nicely ;)
Hooray - I'm glad you got moved at last, although it sounds horrendous! I had exactly the same problem with my shower (at least I met my new neighbours when I went round to see if they knew a plumber!).
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