Our house move is finally progressing. Lets just say our buyer was 'dragging his heels' BIG style. So much so that early last week I thought the whole chain had fallen apart but he's now playing ball. We're expecting to exchange contracts within the next 10 days & hope to complete & move at the end of the month.
So lots of packing at our house & I've been solely responsible for keeping our branch of Freecycle alive & well (or so it seems) as I'm getting rid of LOADS of stuff.
However something happened on Thursday which has made things a bit difficult for me at the moment. As I was taking DD & her friend to school & patiently waiting for a gap in the traffic another driver went straight into the back of my car. The damage to the bumper is minor but I'm now fighting with the insurance company as they want to write off our 9 year old car

Plus if this weren't enough DD has been allocated the school that we REALLY didn't want her to go to. The whole reason for moving was to keep her away from the girls who made her life hell at her previous primary school & the local authority have denied her a place at all 3 schools we've chosen & elected to send her to this school

On a totally different note I forgot to show you all what DH got me on Valentines Day:

Cath Kidston - Stanley the Airedale keyring
I totally love him & want to thank Ari for the heads up & DH of course for buying him.
I hope the car problems come good, and I really hope you get the school thing worked out. Em hasn't had any problems lately, but my niece has had a multitude of problems which accelerated beyond belief over the past year, culminating with her refusing to return to school at the start of the year. And to get anything done, my sister had to go to the police - the school and the education department were totally useless. She's in a different school now, but even that was due to my sister, the education department refused to see why she couldn't go back to the original school.
So sorry about your run of bad luck - hope the whiplash is easing and I`ll keep my fingers crossed for DD and schools.
I LOVE that keychain!!!
I hope you'r feeling better, and that your house/car/school situation resolves soon!
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