on our moving saga. For once the delay is not caused by our nightmare buyer but by the use of the wrong letterhead on an essential piece of paperwork & the subsequent sluggishness of a vital clog in the wheel. So exchange of contracts still hasn't taken place but both we and our vendors are pushing for it.
This means that here in the blueadt house we're still living with a variety of boxes; packed, half packed & still flat packed. It's a horrible state to be in & we're still without a firm moving date so vans can't be booked, nor time off work or even rodent kennels for a certain hamster.
Add to this mix a chest infection resulting an abundance of night time coughing so not much sleep going on plus a VERY stroppy pre-teen. If you were planning to stop a while keep walking by....
Life Lately – April 2024
10 months ago
How frustrating for you all! Hopefully, this stressful experience will seem like a bad memory and you'll all be feeling at home in your new house!
I'm sorry you're having such a stressful time!
Sorry that you are not feeling ti well and hope the contracts are completed soon.
Sorry to hear that the move is not going well. I hope it all gets sorted soon, and if you need someone to look after Vince for a few days I'll be happy to oblige, at short notice if necessary (and don't worry, I wont ask you to look after the escapee in return nor the crazy gerbils as my mum has agreed to do it!).
Blue - I think blogger just ate my comment or you're going to end up with two.
So sorry to hear that the move is not going as planned and hope that everything gets sorted quickly. I would be happy to look after Vince for you for a few days if you need, at short notice isn't a problem (and don't worry, my mum has agreed to look after the escapee and the crazy gerbils so I wont ask you to return the favour!).
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