I've found another breeder who has 3x 4 month old dog pups & we're going to see them on Saturday morning. I really like the breeder's attitude & think that her views on puppy raising are more in line with my own. These pups are used to the sounds of a house, have been handled every day since they were born & know basic commands already. I also liked that she said she vets the potential buyers & sometimes she rejects people if they turn up wearing unsuitable clothes or seem fussy about dirt on their clothes rather than just keen to sell the pups to the first person who shows an interest.
The other pup has spent his whole life in a kennel & had only spent an hour & a half in the breeders kitchen before we saw him. So he sniffed our hands but that was it until Annie came in & then he PLAYED but didn't interact with us at all. So an Oscar will join us soon but he has to be the right dog for us
However for now enough of dogs as I'm sure the knitters amongst you who aren't dog mad have probably given up on me recently. But before I can mention the fibre I need to update you all on the DD's injury. She is going to be ok & IMO doesn't need an operation

Regarding the other stress I have had a full apology from the school. In future policy will be changed & all parents WILL be informed if their children have an accident. On another trip which ran the same week parents were informed but the guy who took my DD away took it upon himself 'not to worry us'

But finally back to the fibre. The second pair of socks that I started a few weeks ago are no more. I wasn't happy with the combination of yarn & pattern:

Waterfall Rib socks in Opal Rainforest Flamingo DK
So they were frogged & I've started another pair. With everything that's gone on recently I've not been doing much knitting but I am finally happy with the pattern I've chosen and a photo will be posted when I've got one to show.