She knew what was happening when I went to put her in the bath & duly dropped to the table. Even though she was bathed less than 5 weeks ago the water was filthy.
After a bath & blow dry she looked like this before being clipped & trimmed. The clippers worked wonderfully & soon the table was covered in a mass of black & tan fur.

a smart & tidy Blue dog ready to escape
Blue then went for a rest in the crate & promptly turned her
back on me.
Annie was next & took nearly half the time. Again a scruffy dog when up onto the table. The water turned black again & she enjoyed a back massage as I worked the shampoo & conditioner into her coat.

I finished @ 3p.m. & just had time to wash my face, arms & hands, change clothes & then leash Annie for the walk to collect DD from school. Annie had a great time in the playground as two toddlers about an inch taller than her were fascinated & wanted to stroke her. She stood still wagging her tail dying to lick their faces.

Blue is now recovering from her ordeal & would like the world to know that she was been tortured (for the record).
Knitting wise I'm carrying on with Fay 2 - I'm bored as it's exactly the same as Fay 1 (with slightly less red) but want to get it out of the way before I start something else. I'm saving the poncho for our holiday as I plan to get loads of knitting done. I may also take the shimmer scarf for the journey - maybe....
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