Blue aged 4 months
A year later Annie came to live with us as Blue seemed a bit depressed on her own & also came from the same 'breeder' via rescue:

Blue with Annie as a puppy
Blue was known as 'Big Dog' at home as she was extremely tall for an Airedale bitch at 26" at the shoulder, half an inch taller than Annie & also the Alpha dog of the two.
Blue always made us laugh when it was time for to be groomed as she hated being done & would run & hide whilst I did Annie & then collapse to the floor when I went to pick her up to put her on the table. However she loved the end result & would always 'strut' her stuff when out walking trying to convince total strangers to give her a cuddle & head rub:

Blue relaxing after being groomed
We took the dogs all over the country with us on holiday in our caravan & she always enjoyed walking in a new place & finding people to fuss over her:

Blue being chased by Annie on Embleton Sands in Northumberland

Blue bouncing on Embleton Sands, Northumberland

Blue on Embleton sands beach at night, Northumberland

Blue & Annie on Lake Windermere

Annie & Blue at the border of England & Scotland

Blue & Annie in front of Soloman's Temple, Derbyshire
She loved everybody & everything apart from German Shepherds. After being attacked by 6 of them before the age of 3 she'd had enough & was determined that it wasn't going to happen again & would go for them if taunted. We put them both into kennels for a day when we went to Monkey World & when we got them back she was stressed to hell as they had been kenneled opposite a GSD bitch.

Blue with Tia
She grew up with cats & was used to Tia using her as a hotwater bottle. The kittens were much loved & she was extremely efficient at keeping their food dishes clean.

Blue running in snow
Children were particularly adored & I had to teach both dogs the command 'No Kisses' to stop them licking faces & also so that parents didn't think that my two giant terriers were going to hurt their children.

Blue enjoying the snow
Today whilst walking Annie two different groups of children stopped me to ask where Blue was. She had a lot of fans as she was such a friendly dog & I think I'll be stopped a lot in the next few weeks as I walk with just one dog.

Blue snoozing in the caravan awning
She was suffering from advanced Stomach Cancer which had spread to her spleen so I felt I had to let her go. We were offered the chance to bring her home for two weeks to say good bye but it would have been selfish & I couldn't do it.

Blue: May 2000 - February 2008
I'm so sorry to hear that you've had to say goodbye to Blue. I can see from her photos that she was a well loved and very lovely girl. Ziggy, Avro and I send our condolences.
She was a gorgeous dog, and you gave her more opportunities for living than anyone else.
Goodbye, Blue.
I'm sorry, I'll keep you all in my thoughts :(
I'm so so sorry. I can't even read your post properly as I've got tears in my eyes. My mum had an Airedale Terrier as she was growing up and often says it was the friendliest, most loveable dog she's ever had.
Cherish the memories of your beautiful dog and give Annie an extra cuddle.
Thnking of you.
I'm so sorry that Blue has gone. Blue clearly was as much loved as loving. Big hugs to your whole family. Especially Annie.
I'm so sorry about you losing Blue. She seemed like a wonderful dog and it's like losing a child when you've had them for so long. The little tribute wasso beautiful and touching and I'm going to have to redo my makeup now before I leave the house coz it made me cry!
I hope you feel a little better soon,
Fi x
Sorry for your loss, it is hard when you lose a pet.
So very, very sorry. Looking at all those photos, you gave Blue the best home possible and she was obviously a very happy doggy. Give Annie lots of hugs and pats, I think you both need it x
So very sorry to read the news about Blue. She was a beautiful girl who looks like she lived life to the full with you. We are thinking of you all and know something of how you feel having lost our beloved Oscar Airedale last July.
Katy, Harry & Cassidy x
Sorry to hear your sad news. You have some fantastic photos there which will help to keep alive your wonderful memories of her I'm sure. Sending vitual hugs. :-)
I'm sorry it ended this way, but the photos show what an amazing life she had.... the memories are good ones. x
I am so sorry to hear your sad, sad news about Blue. She obviously had a very happy life with you that she wouldn't otherwise have had and i hope that helps to ease the hurt a little.
Thinking of you all, and especially Annie, i hope she comes through this without too much distress. If only they could understand us, eh?
Aw i'm sad to hear this news :(
I sat and cried whilst reading this...I was really wishing hard for a better outcome but you have done the right thing, although that statement offers little comfort at this moment in time.
{{{{{hug}}}}} you are all in my thoughts xxxx
We are so sorry to hear about Blue ... Please know that our thoughts are with you ...
Kate and Putter ...
I'm so sorry to hear your news, I was thinking about Blue this morning and then saw your blog post:-(
Like Noo said, the memories are good ones, and you'll always have those xx
Sorry to hear about your loss. I am so glad that Blue was such a cherished member of your family - she was quite the lucky girl.
All the best.
Everything about Blue says "beloved." I know she will be missed and mourned, but oh, what a lovely life she had with you.
I'm so sorry :-( Thank you for sharing the pictures, she looks so happy. Sending hugs to you all and especially Annie xx
Oh Diana! I remember your posts on the ADT list... so very sorry to hear of your loss! We're sharing your tears over Blue here in Canada.
That is so sad. What a beautiful dog.Sending you and your family big hugs.
Arianwen xxx
What a beautiful post and what a beautiful dog Blue was. So sorry for your loss. Hugs to you and yours.
I'm so sorry. My heart goes out to you. At least you have Annie and Ginny and Lyra though still. The joy and safety you brought her will have been equalled with the joy she brought you - that's the important thing to remember. Especially that photo of her on the beach - that's a good way to remember her.
Lots of big hugs.
Sorry to hear about Blue.
Thinking about you all.
We are sorry to read the sad news about Blue. Your photos are a lovely reminder of her life with you and you can treasure them always.
Hilary, Molly and Taffy
What a lovely tribute to a well loved pet.
God bless Blue :-(
I'm so sorry. but thanks for posting all the gorgeous pictures. what a fantastic dog.
It shines out from the photos what a beautiful dog Blue was, and also what a happy life she had with you, living life to the full with her human and animal family. I am very sorry for you and I hope you will find comfort in the memories and photos you have.
You don't know me at all, but I pop by and read your blog from time to time. I'm sorry to hear of your loss - Blue looks like a beautiful dog, and I'm sure you gave her the best life she could have possibly wished for.
I'm so sorry :'(
I am so sorry to hear about your loss. Losing a precious member of the family is always very difficult. From the photos in your post, Blue looks beautiful and happy. I hope you will able to remember the good times you had together and take comfort in all those good memories. Take care. xx
I'm so sorry to hear about Blue, she had a wonderful life with you and with so many beautiful pictures of her she'll never truly leave. Remember the good times and take comfort in that she isn't in any more pain.
I'm so sorry that you had to let go of Blue. A dog can become such a huge part of your life. I hope you are all coping.
My thoughts are with you and your family, and Annie.
Hugs. x
I am so sorry to read your news, Blue looked so gorgeous.
Take care and hugs to you.
So sorry to hear the sad news about Blue, I know you'll miss her terribly
What wonderful pictures and memories of Blue. I hope that knowing you gave her a wonderful life after its poor start will come to help. It's so hard that loving them sometimes means we have to let them go... Am thinking of you all.
I'm sorry to hear about Blue. she looked so gorgeous from your photos and looked very happy. I love that picture of her in the snow. You gave her a loving home. I hope you have happy memorie sof her
This may not be the best of times, but I'd like to give you the You Make My Day Award. I love reading your blog and keeping up with your beautiful rescue pups.
The blog post for Blue is just beautiful. A wonderful reminder of a wonderful dog. xx
I'm so sorry you've had to say goodbye to Blue. She looked so beautiful in your photos and I enjoyed reading about her.
We've just now found your blog and we are devastated to read about Blue! What a beautiful girl she was! Our hearts are breaking for you and your family. You're in our thoughts and prayers.
Love ya lots,
Maggie, Mitch and Sue
I read about Blue on the animal avatar thread on ravelry. What a fantastic and beautiful dog. I am so sorry for your loss. You gave her such a wonderful life. Bless you.
Oh, no - I've been without a computer for a few days, so I just "heard." I'm so sorry for your loss - you gave Blue a wonderful life, and it was obvious how much she was loved.
So sorry to hear your news...... Blue was obviously much loved and had a wonderful life with you. I'm sure she'll be in doggie heaven watching over and hoping you won't be sad for long.
So sorry for your loss. It's so difficult losing a dog and your post brought a few tears to my eyes, the photos are beautiful and she obviously brought a lot of happiness into your lives, as you did for her.
lots of love and doggy kisses! xx
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