1 - I'm a Taurian
2 - born in the year of the Pig
3 - I'm an only child
4 - I have blue eyes
5 - I was born in London
6 - I left London when I was 18
7 - I spent a year in India when I was 8
8 - I learnt to swim when I was 9
9 - I'm right handed
10 - I can touch type
11 - I HATE the colour orange
12 - I can't touch my nose with my tongue
13 - I am a vegetarian
14 - I HATE beetroot
15 - I like cooking
16 - I am good at baking cakes
17 - I have a good telephone manner
18 - I am scared of heights
19 - I have a 'sensitivity' to anaesthetic
20 - I can't roller or ice skate
21 - I have a very good sense of smell
22 - I have a very weak stomach - combined with the above - I throw up at bad smells!
23 - I can drive a car
24 - I can groom dogs
25 - I love reading
26 - I can't stand heavy floral scents
27 - I hate Turkish Delight
28 - I also can't stand Mince Pies
29 - I had a mole removed on my arm as it was bleeding but it was ok
30 - I've had two wisdom teeth removed
31 - I wore braces as a child
32 - I freckle easily in the sun
33 - I can't stand my feet being touched - in fact I don't like feet full stop
34 - I have one child
35 - I was very close to my Nana who died in August '99
36 - I have a BA (Hons) 2:1 in Humanities but haven't used my degree work wise
37 - I can ride a bike
38 - I love animals
39 - I had an awful childhood
40 - I don't have any contact with my mother
41 - I miss my Grandparents
42 - I am stubborn
43 - I tried to commit suicide when I was 20 but a friend found me
44 - I love going to the cinema
45 - I don't watch a lot of TV
46 - I've never been to a football match
47 - I love Cranberry juice
48 - I don't drink tea or coffee
49 - I was very ill when I was 19 but have now fully recovered
50 - I am very independent as I've always had to look after myself
51 - I used to be a dog trainer
52 - I used to show pedigree dogs & have won awards for handling dogs
53 - I like baked potatoes
54 - I love fruit
55 - I like cheese
56 - I can't stand runny eggs
57 - I don't snore
58 - I love being massaged
59 - I get car sick if I sit in the back
60 - I avoid having my photo taken
61 - I don't like wearing make-up
62 - I hate shopping for clothes & find it really stressful
63 - I was born on St George's Day
64 - I like gardening
65 - I love the colour purple
66 - apparently I've got nice eyes
67 - according to DH I'm very helpful
68 - I have never smoked & can't stand being around smokers
69 - I don't drink a lot but do enjoy a glass of red wine & Baileys
70 - I hate gin
71 - As a young child I had platinum blonde curls but now have thick chestnut brown hair
72 - I don't speak any foreign languages but wish that I could
73 - I have always wanted to go to Canada & Barcelona
74 - I would be very happy to move away from the city where I currently live
75 - I came here to go to university in 1992
76 - I met my DH in 1993 & am still here
77 - I love Indian food
78 - I'm not afraid of spiders & can pick them up
79 - I have done a course in Pet First Aid
80 - I used to play the saxaphone as a child & still have it in the loft
81 - I used to play a lot of basketball as a teenager
82 - I don't take drugs unless you count painkillers when necessary
83 - I bruise easily
84 - I like white Christmas lights rather than coloured
85 - I love walking my dogs in the snow & feeling the snow crunch under my boots
86 - I am a qualified ASA Timekeeper (for competitive swimming)
87 - I love being held
88 - I can't stand bullying
89 - I don't like beards
90 - I can't wear nickle ear rings
91 - I have a Recruitment qualification from a previous job
92 - I have been threatened by my boss in a previous job
93 - I breastfed my daughter
94 - I like & respect my current boss
95 - I love dancing
96 - I like liquorice
97 - I can't eat coleslaw
98 - I don't bite my nails
99 - I love to have a bath & then get into a freshly made bed
100 - I struggled to find the last few things about me
Life Lately – April 2024
10 months ago
Thanks Yvonne it's worked. I had changed the template to say no comments on new posts by accident.
Glad its not just me that hiccups when playing with the blog!
I thought I'd stop by and say "hi"! Just so you know, I don't see a comments link on your "SP and Comments" post, hence me leaving my missive here. Perhaps it's just my browser though...?
Hi Noo
I've kept the word verification thingy & have taken moderation off. I've had no comments for the past 5 weeks because of it :(
No comments can be left in SP & Comments as I'd turned on 'no comments for new posts' by mistake.
I tried to leave a comment on your blog last night & it said that it would be posted after you'd allowed it.
I left some comments! Most recent one after your post about your nightmare. I did wonder why it didn't show up!
I've had problems with Blogger myself recently - no email notification of comments for several weeks, then all of a sudden I start getting them again!
Give it another bash!
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