Sometimes I'd love to just be able to veg in front of the TV but then I hardly ever watch TV. Is that because I'm never in or because I don't like what's on? It's a bit like the chicken & egg question. It's really convenient being able to come home from the school run, grab a couple of meals out of freezer & shove them in the oven, preparing something quick to go with them whilst they cook. I started doing the batch cooking but slowly & surely DH has made it his 'baby'.
Look what he created on Saturday afternoon whilst I froze outside in the garden for the first time this year, pruning the hedge & removing the dead climber that I hacked to death at the end of last year & then carried on my frozen state by walking the dogs in freezing wind:


Thin Crust Pizza

Deep Pan Pizza

Herb Bread
The Chilli is now frozen in individual portions, the thin crust pizza & half the deep pan were demolished on Saturday night with the herb bread. The rest of the deep pan pizza was enjoyed by DD & I on Sunday. She had an away meet & enjoyed swimming in a 50 meter pool for a change. I took the opportunity to work on a surprise knit only to discover after a couple of hours that I'd been using the wrong size needles so all my work was frogged when I got home

Whilst I'm writing this he's also throwing together lunches for all of us tomorrow. Normally I have a production line going at night & make up 3 of everything but tonight it's his turn

Finally - Tia has been moaning that Monet has been getting all the limelight so here she is again in her usual position. She gets up to eat, use the tray & scrounge for milk & cheese but at nearly 19 she deserves to be pampered

Its Nic from UKHK who asked ages ago about knitters in NE Lincs then promptly disappeared without replying to you. Sorry!! I must try and get to see you. Its just that stupid bridge toll.
Wow, your man is amazing. What a good idea too. I hate all the faff of getting tea ready at teatime.
That all looks lovely too. Where do you live? I'll be round for tea ;o)
Tracy - We've frozen all sorts including lasagne, shepherds pie, stew, chilli & even mashed potato. With the latter don't bother defrosting it like I did - it just goes to a lumpy liquid. I eventually saved it by baking it in the oven - hardly time saving. DD wants everyone to know that the bread is called 'Dimpled Herb Bread' as she provided the all important dimples :)
Nic - the next meeting is on Friday 7th of April as the 2nd Friday is Good Friday & the Coffee shop is closed. I know what you mean re the bridge toll it is a pain. We're having a pattern swap at the next meeting - individual, cut outs from magazines & books. Only rule is that you've got to put into the pot to take something out. We had a stash swap last month & it was very successful. I managed to get rid of a half a binliner & didn't bring anything home. DH was very surprised. It would be good to see you there if you can make it - did I sent you the details?
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