Thanks everyone for the virtual hugs & get well soons. I'm starting to feel alive again but get tired very easily. This was demonstrated last night when I went to knitting club & was knackered by 7 pm! No late night clubbing for me.
I picked up Lady Eleanor again yesterday but it's just too hot to knit it at the moment. Piglottie was knitting a headband last night that appealed me so I've started one in black for DD. I've been wanting to make her a headband for ages but couldn't be bothered to reduce the size for a child & this one is tied with i-cord so one size will fit all. I'm also planning to knit another two for my nieces as we're all going on holiday together next week (myself, DH, DD, SIL, BIL & their 3 children + MIL as there's nobody left here to look after her) & it'll be nice cool summer knitting in cotton.
MIL had been booked to feed the cats & Vince as she lives a few doors away from us so now I'm searching for alternatives. Vince is booked into stay with 'Rabbit Liz' who charges the grand sum of £1 per day too look after a hamster (more for rabbits but not much) & I've still got the cats to sort out but haven't asked anybody yet - it shouldn't be a problem. The dogs come with us & love caravan holidays & love getting attention from new people & lots of walks. Although I don't think I'll be up to long walks somehow.
Knitting content tomorrow I promise with photos....
Life Lately – April 2024
9 months ago
Glad to hear you're feeling better - don't overdo it though.
And thanks for the link to the headband - I've got one lonely little ball of alpaca lying around that I've been wondering what to do with...
Keep getting better...
The headband is knitting up really quickly (though I dont like the chart - have written it out!) so fingers crossed I get it done for our next camping trip in 10 days time - in order to avoid troll type hair from having the car windows open on the journey! Glad you're feeling better.
Glad you're starting to be on the mend. Have you warned the hamster sitter about Vince's Houdini impressions?!
Glad that you are feeling better. Great headband - I may have to try knitting up some for my own girls!
I can't remember the last time I went late night clubbing....
Glad to hear you are feeling better. enjoy your holiday.
Badger - oh yes I've warned Liz. We reckon that she'll make the brake on inter prison transfer so Securicor are booked for the transport [VBG]
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