Before we went away I purchased my August yarn so I was determined NOT to buy any whilst we were away. Hah! I was kidding myself.
When we were nearly at the campsite I sent a text to a
friend (who I know now to be an enabler) as I couldn't remember if the
excellent LYS that I'd heard so much about was in Ulverston or Ullswater. The reply came back with lots of information wonderful fibre 'must visits' but not on that LYS. I soon realised where it was when I looked at a map as Ullswater couldn't have a LYS unless it was on stilts.
I managed to resist the beauties in
Spinning A Yarn even though I was sorely tempted. I had brought yarn for a new project away with me & determined to concentrate on that. However I promised myself a daytrip away from kiddies & filled with fibre & other distractions, so on a cloudly morning set off for
Crookabeck Angoras having first made an appointment. However my useless navigations skills (even aided by a sat nav system) meant that I went everywhere else first!
I managed to find
The Wool Clip without meaning to as I intended to go there after
Crookabeck. A lovely little shop filled with beautiful hand made items & lots of locally produced yarns, fibres & more. I bought some things for other people & as I had no service on my phone the woman very kindly rang
Crookabeck to let her know that I was still coming but had gotten a bit lost
I then studied the map fiercely & reprogrammed the Sat Nav so finally felt confident that I was going in the right direction. All was well until I spied the sign for
The Alpaca Centre. I decided to pop in quickly as it'd be a waste of fuel not too & I might not get to it again.

AlpacaThe Alpaca were so cute as were two miniture donkeys. I managed to walk out empty handed, apart from
this although I was sorely tempted by their cones of Apaca 4 ply but reasoned with myself that I had no need for it, so left.
Back on the road. I managed to get to Patterdale (find
Ullswater & keep going until the water runs out) but then couldn't find the farm. I eventually found it after getting directions from a local hotel - the dead end sign that I'd seen over a bridge was actually the route I needed to take, up a very narrow track & keep going until I couldn't drive anymore!
Mary Bell was very welcoming & the goats were gorgeous as usual. I didn't take any pictures as they were covered in straw and worse & enjoying the sunshine in all their extra coverings but I've got a picture left from
Woolfest so you can get an idea here:

Crookabeck Angora GoatsI admired some machine knitted socks, made from their yarn in her shop but said that I preferred to knit my own, which is when I fell I'm afraid. Two skeins of her yarn jumped out & attacked me demanding come return home with me:

Crookbeck 4 ply Fine Spun Mohair - dirty & yet to be dyedI then spied 3 lonely skeins of the same yarn but dyed a beautiful delicate lilac colour & they couldn't be left behind so they jumped in the back of the car as well:

Crookabeck Fine Spun Kid Mohair - 4 ply lilacApparently Mohair is 30% stronger than wool so makes an excellent sock yarn. This yarn is hardly fluffy at all & feels soooooooo soft that I just know that my feet are going to be heaven when wearing them. She also had lots of beautiful blankets made from her
Herdwick flock but I had to pass on those.
So now I'm all yarned out and as soon as my original August purchase arrives will have to own up to a Strike on
Stashalong. I've actually realised that I'm owed another one as I bought some bargain yarn last month & forgot to mention it - whoops....
We also made a trip to
Sedbergh as we're all keen readers. After haunting 3 bookshops & lunch in a lovely cafe, we were heading back to the car when I spotted a couple of skeins of a single colour Sari Silk in a shop window. DH & DD carried on to the car & I promised I wouldn't be long - yeah right!
Sleepy Elephant is a book shop specialising in textile texts!!! I was disappointed to discover that the huge shelf of knitting books contained lots that I liked but that I already had. However the owner very kindly offered to take me to her nearby warehouse as I didn't live nearby. DD came with me & proudly wore her
black headband. She had a huge selection & I left with these:

Books from The Sleepy ElephantThe Farmyard book is for DD & I couldn't resist the other. I also had to bring these home as I didn't have them:

back issues of Interweave KnitsSleepy Elephant have been trading for over 20 years & mainly do mail order so if there's a book you've been searching for give them a go.
Now, finally to prove that there has been some knitting going on recently rather than just scenery gazing & getting lost, a glimpse of what I've been working on recently:

red cotton headbandLast
seen on Lake Windermere - another
headband for DD as she loves her black one so much. Plus a gift for my Canadian friend or rather her daughter:

Babycashmerino PonchoThe pattern is from
baby cashmerino 2 and has to be a contender for the most boring knit ever

However the pattern was chosen by my friend so I'm sticking with it. 165 stitches seems far too many for 12-18 months but it is a wide garment