Today has been a great day. I took DD & my two neices - DN1 - 8 years old & DN2 - 6 years old into town. They all had paper & pencils & we went to the Art Gallery. The kids chose pictures that they liked all within the same gallery & sat quietly (as much as they could but DN2 found this hard) copying the masterpieces. None were recognisable but they had fun. I tinked back on my Garter Rib sock as I've made a mistake & great fun was had by all.
Then before we came home I had a quick pick up to make. A few weeks ago whilst doing my job I happened to be speaking to a Manager at a National Chain of handmade cosmetics. Totally weak, at the end of the conversation, I asked 'if his warehouse smelt nice'!! After which he took down my name & asked which was my nearest store, told me to wait a week or so & then go in. Well I finally got there today & there was a HUGE box waiting for me which contained:
14 bathbombs
9 bars of soap
1 bubble bath bar
5 shampoo bars
All free for me!!! The bag was so heavy that they had to double bag it. So am off for a bath now as DD is out - spoilt for choice as I can't decide which bathbomb to use!
I've also received a parcel from Australia but haven't opened it yet as there are written instructions on it that it can't be opened before Sunday - the customs sticker reads WOOL!!!
Which reminds me - another parcel arrived yesterday from Australia but that has been opened. More soon......

Happy birthday blog! Looking forward to seeing all these parcels!
ooooh the suspense is killing me! Not long been reading your blog, so obviously have some "back-reading" to do. Happy Birthday dear Blog.
Happy Blogiversary!! Mine is the 29th so we are a very similar age!! :-)
Happy Blog Birthday! If it's the national chain of handmade cosmetics that I think it is, you are very lucky!
Happy Blogiversary! And parcels to celebrate too!
Happy belated blogiversary! :)
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