'Somebody' left the cage open & she's gone! DD is destraught & crying her eyes out. We've left a small pile of bedding material out with some food & are hoping that she'll help herself tonight so at least we'll know that she's still around.
If anybody has any better suggestions I'd love to hear them....
We had gerbils, which lived quite happily among the plumbing for a couple of weeks - so have patience! I'm sure Vince will be fine.
The problem is we've got bare floor boards in places as the decorating isn't finished & the carpet is still up. She could get outside if she goes under the floor & down the old soil stack.
I'm just hoping that she's still upstairs & that we find her soon. With 3 cats & two prey driven Airedales I want to find her soon.
I hope you find her soon!
The only suggestion I can offer is a large glass jar with smelly food in the bottem (peanut butter is good) propped on some books so that once vince falls in to the jar he can't climb back out up the slope of the side. Hope you find him
Just checked in DD`s book, the suggestion is similar to the glass jar but using a bucket, tub or similar, steps up to the top out of books and a ruler making a little `diving board`, when vince climbs up to investigate nice foodie smells her weight topples the ruler and she tumbles into the nice pile of soft bedding in the bottom waiting safely for rescue in the morning. Wishing you speedy success in catching her.
Thanks everyone for the tips re hamster catching. I have a large glass vase that might just do it (held my Mothers Day flowers). Now to set it up with a ruler & books for steps. Some food had gone by this morning & a chunk of cheese whilst I've been at work so she is around but the bedding hasn't been touched which is odd.
Oh no, poor Vince! We lost one of hamsters for 2 weeks exactly - my husband even ripped up all the kitchen flooring trying to find him. We left food for him which he was eating but no sightings. Two weeks to the day he came up via a makeshift ladder as if to say, what crap parents are you, couldn't even come rescue me. He was fine, rather grubby and in dire need of a bath.
Nowadays Custard is padlocked in his cage - a houdini if ever there was one.
Fingers crossed you find him soon.
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