1. Are you a yarn snob (do you prefer higher quality and/or natural fibers)? Do you avoid Red Heart and Lion Brand? Or is it all the same to you?
I didn't use to be but my tastes are now changing. I'm knitting with merino, cashmerino, pure wool & cotton. I don’t like acrylic as I find it makes my hands hot & it squeaks!
2. Do you spin? Crochet?
I can't spin & want to learn to crochet eventually but I've still got loads of things to experiement with in knitting.
3. Do you have any allergies? (smoke, pets, fibers, perfume, etc.)
Nothing that will effect knitting but I HATE cigarette smoke.
4. How long have you been knitting?
On & off for 15 years.
5. Do you have an Amazon or other online wish list?
Yes I have an Amazon wish list.
6. What's your favorite scent? (for candles, bath products etc.)
Citrus, cinammon, coconut & honey. I'm not keen on floral scents.
7. Do you have a sweet tooth?
YES I adore chocolate but try to limit how much I eat. But I hate Turkish Delight.
8. What other crafts or Do-It-Yourself things do you like to do?
I can do Cross Stitch but haven't done it for years apart from teaching my DD recently.
9. What kind of music do you like? Can your computer/stereo play MP3s? (if your buddy wants to make you a CD)
Yes I can play MP3's on the PC & stereo. I like everything from the Scissor Sisters, to Norah Jones, Joan Armatrading & Fleetwood Mac.
10. What's your favorite color? Or--do you have a color family/season/palette you prefer? Any colors you just can't stand?
I love reds & purples with pinks/blues & chocolate brown. I HATE orange, yellow & lime green. I adore varigated yarns & wish that we had a wider selection here in the UK.
11. What is your family situation? Do you have any pets?
I live with my DH, DD (aged 10 in Oct '05) who is slowly learning to knit, 2 dogs & 4 eldery cats - a very full house.
12. What are your life dreams? (really stretching it here, I know)
To have fun without hurting anybody else. Seriously though I'd love to be able to afford to give up my sales job & either work in a LYS or with dog rescue.
13. What is/are your favorite yarn/s to knit with?
Debbie Bliss’s Baby cashmerino, Jamiesons Super chunky & Patons 100% Cotton. I haven't knitted with it yet but also like RYC Cashsoft Aran.
14. What fibers do you absolutely *not* like?
Squeaky acrylic
15. What is/are your current knitting obsession/s?
I want to start socks but have been waiting for the needles so am playing with baby booties at the moment. I'm also knitting an entrelac baby blanket & have enjoyed learning about short rows & entrelac.
16. What is/are your favorite item/s to knit?
Baby booties, scarves & bags. whilst I wait for my addis to start socks.
17. What are you knitting right now?
Entrelac shawl from Debbie Bliss's Baby Knits in Baby Cashmerino
Daisy from www.knitty.com in Patons 100% Cotton
Various booties from 50 Baby bootees to knit by Zoe Mellor in Jaeger Baby Merino, sock yarn & others.
18. What do you think about ponchos?
I'm going to knit one for my DD but not for me.
19. Do you prefer straight or circular needles?
I've always knitted with circulars. The friend who taught me did as the weight is held in the middle. If I try & use straights I find that I get all mixed up & drop them!
20. Bamboo, aluminum, plastic?
Preferably bamboo but I also like Addi turbos
21. Are you a sock knitter?
Will be soon as soon as I can get hold of my addis – they’ve been on order for about 3 months.
22. How did you learn to knit?
I learnt when I was 19 & was taught by a German friend at college
23. How old is your oldest UFO?
The oldest UFO that I have is about 8 months old - a purple scarf in Wendy Shimmer. I think I have others but don't know where they are :-( I took a break from knitting & am not sure where they are.
24. What is your favorite animated character or a favorite animal/bird?
I love dogs - particularly Airedale terriers (I have two)
25. What is your favorite holiday?
Christmas – I love it that we’re all at home together & have two weeks without work, school, swimming or other interuptions.
26. Is there anything that you collect?
Airedale terrier things - I've got all sorts including doorknockers, teapots, cups, bookends, figures, keyrings, ashtrays & more.
Yarn - I've got way too much of it in my DH’s opinion.
27. What knitting magazine subscriptions do you have?
Interweave Knits. I'd love to try Vogue Knitting and any back issues of Interweave Knits would be very welcome - I've got from Winter 04 to current.
28. Any books out there you are dying to get your hands on?
Plenty - see my amazon wish list. Particularly a good one on socks.
29. Any patterns you have been coveting, but haven't bought for one reason or another??
Eris - I LOVE it!!!
What are your foot measurements, and what kind of socks do you like?
English size 7. For walking the dogs I love comfortable walking socks that stay up. With trainers I like short trainer socks & I don't find lacey socks comfortable.
Life Lately – April 2024
9 months ago
1 comment:
Hi Blue!
I'm tagging you! Head over to my blog where the questions are :D
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