Just before we decided to move & life suddenly went barmy I signed up for the
Hot Socks Swap. Then as the deadline approached with a chance to pull out I realised that I'd be stupidly busy & should I really do this but I decided to go for it & I'm really glad I did.
I sent to a woman in Norway & she now has a beautiful skein of
Fleece Artist Merino in Marine with some coffee, hot chocolate, a small scented candle & a bag of
Thorntons Toffee. The yarn was gorgeous & nearly didn't make it to the post office!
My spoiler & I have really hit it off. She's an English woman living in Canada & I'm now gutted that we've had to postphone our trip to Canada due to our impending house move. My parcel arrived a few days ago & I wasn't disappointed when I opened it:

Gifts from CanadaI didn't stand a chance of actually keeping the moose & he's now taken up permanent residence in DDs' room. There was also a book on Canada but that's upstairs as I've just finished reading it & DH has nabbed it now.

Canadian Hot ChocolateAs a confirmed non-coffee or tea drinker it had to be hot chocolate

Koigu Sock pattern bookI've done swaps before & never had an overseas pal before - now I know why I've always wanted one! And the best for last:

Koigu sock yarnThank you so much CL for being a great pal & I look forward to staying in touch with you & eventually meeting up when we get over there. Also a big thanks to
indieknits for organising it all.
Now I'm spoilt for choice over the yarn for my next sock project - my beautiful new
Koigu or the beautiful
Posh Yarns Cashmere that
Piglottie gave me. It'll be a hard decision.