I bit the bullet & ripped the poncho yesterday. DD was training yesterday for two hours so I was able to start again. The pattern calls for 6.5mm needles which I don't have. I had swatched using 6mm & 7mm & the latter got the guage. I was hoping that I'd be able to use my Plymouth needles but had to use the 7mm Inoxs instead.
I haven't touched since as it's been a manic weekend as usual. DD & I went into town in the afternoon & she had some money burning a hole in her pocket. The latest craze at school is marbles so she was determined to buy some more. We found a huge bag of 'cats eyes' for 99p the first shop we went into so she was very happy with herself. Our local supermarket are now selling marbles so her current dilema is which sort does she spend her money on when we next shopping: 'milkies, 'spotting dicks' or 'See Through Coloureds'???
Whilst in town I treated myself to some goodies in Lush & also got loads of free samples :-) Mainly in prepartion for the completion of our new bathroom but more on that soon. We then went to buy her some walking boots in readiness for our next caravan holiday at the end of the month. She had a great time trying on various boots but screamed when a huge crack of thunder & lightening went off. That set off the fire alarm (the weather not DD's scream although it was loud) & then the Fire Brigade turned up so it was quite eventful. She came home with new boots, walking socks & a stylish rain coat, DH & I got socks - sound familiar???
The weather has been really weird this weekend. It was lovely & sunny here this morning, so sunny that I got two loads of washing dried on the line & then the hail stones came down, rain, thunder etc etc etc.
This afternoon I brushed the dogs out & trimmed paws etc. Blue was being her usual awkard self & collapsed to the floor when I tried to pick her up. She weighs about 65lb which is very heavy dog when it's flat to the floor with sticking out legs that don't want to go onto the table. She's also got tickilish feet! Annie is great to groom she stands like a rock & lets me get on with it. Blue can take at least half a hour longer to groom purely because she messes around, leaning away from the clippers, pratting around with her feet, ears etc. But she is so proud & prances when she's showing off to the world how pretty she looks. Or is she just relived that she's finally off the grooming table? I'm going to clip them out in a couple of weeks so that they're clean & short when we go away & will take some photos.
Life Lately – April 2024
10 months ago
I'm sure it won't take you long at all to get back on track with that poncho. We had a dog up until last year - long story - but trying to give him a bath was bad enough, I can't imagine what it would have been like to try and do anything else !
Sorry for the late reply. I've always groomed my own dogs - it saves me a fortune. Plus I find any lumps or other problems early. As soon as they see me in my grooming jacket they scatter like flies!
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