Hello there - I read your blog regularly and thought I'd come out of the woodwork to say hello. I'm not very good at this html stuff, but I'll do my best to put your link on my blog.
Thanks for adding the button to your site. I've added two br tags to my template as it appears too close to the link above it. You can either copy & paste it again or add them in yourself.
I LOVE your blog - poor little tyke with the pox! My DD had it when she was 12 weeks old over Christmas. I ate Christmas dinner with her in a sling & a napkin on her head as she wouldn't settle without being next to me. DH has cooked Christmas dinner ever since [vbg]
Hello there - I read your blog regularly and thought I'd come out of the woodwork to say hello. I'm not very good at this html stuff, but I'll do my best to put your link on my blog.
Happy knitting - and good news on the clippers !
Hi becky
Thanks for letting me know who you are - what's your url?
Re clippers - the dogs won't think so tomorrow [vbg]
I seem to have a problem with my url showing up on blogspot - sorry about that - I'm at http://mooknits.blogspot.com
Hi Becky
Thanks for adding the button to your site. I've added two br tags to my template as it appears too close to the link above it. You can either copy & paste it again or add them in yourself.
I LOVE your blog - poor little tyke with the pox! My DD had it when she was 12 weeks old over Christmas. I ate Christmas dinner with her in a sling & a napkin on her head as she wouldn't settle without being next to me. DH has cooked Christmas dinner ever since [vbg]
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